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Products 1-12 of 25
5 lb Stainless Steel Fluidization Hopper 5 lb Stainless Steel Fluidization Hopper
Price: $175.00
review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
Availability: Out of Stock
Kool Koat Item #: COLO-MINI01-GP -

THIS PRODUCT REQUIRES A PUMP TO FUNCTION. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE ALREADY, YOU WILL NEED TO PURCHASE ONE. Our Stainless Steel Fluidization Hopper produces a smooth powder flow from the hopper to your unit and to your part. Fluidizing hoppers far outperform standard hoppers offering even better control and extended durations of even powder flow. This universal hopper can be fitted to our Hyper Smooth Coating Systems, Kool Koat Coating Systems, or most other powder coating systems on the market....

6" S-Hooks .062" (Pack of 25) 6" S-Hooks .062
Price: $4.75
Availability: In Stock
Columbia Coatings Item #: SH-062-6 -

Pack of 25 Hooks Ideal for hanging small or light weight parts. 6" length provides adequate clearance between part and rack for handling and moving ease. Can be cleaned and reused. Steel construction for proper grounding. Supports up to 9 lb. Double hook for more weight Get this item for FREE when you spend at least $99. All you have to do is add this product to your cart, and enter the code: 62HOOK99 Only one code may be entered at a time. At least one item in your...

6" S-Hooks .12" (Pack of 25) 6" S-Hooks .12
Price: $7.50
Availability: In Stock
Columbia Coatings Item #: SH-12-6 -

Pack of 25 Hooks Ideal for hanging heaver weight parts. 6" length provides adequate clearance between part and rack for handling and moving ease. Can be cleaned and reused. Steel construction for proper groundingSupports up to 56 lb. Get this item for FREE when you spend at least $150. All you have to do is add this product to your cart, and enter the code: 12HOOKS150. Only one code may be entered at a time. At least one item in your order must ship from Columbia Coatings. ...

8 oz. Mini Hopper mini, hopper, bottle, sample, test, small
Price: $19.99
Availability: In Stock
Kool Koat Item #: 8KKMH-GP -

8 oz. Mini Hopper Not compatible with our 2 oz. sample bottles. This hopper is perfect for quick, small jobs or for spraying test samples! Features: Durable polyethylene constructionIndustrial strength fittingsEasy color change Get this item for FREE when you spend at least $500. All you have to do is add this product to your cart, and enter the code: MINI500. Only one code may be entered at a time. At least one item in your order must ship from Columbia Coatings. ...

Basic Color Sample Kit Basic Color Sample Kit
Price: $68.37
Availability: In Stock
Columbia Coatings Item #: STANDARDSK -

Sample several popular colors in one swing. Available in 1lb. kit (bagged). Kit INCLUDES the following powders: SUPER MIRROR WHITE SUPER MIRROR BLUE SUPER MIRROR RED AG YELLOW SUPER MIRROR BLACK CRYSTAL CLEARGet this item for FREE when you spend at least $750. All you have to do is add this product to your cart, and enter the code: BASIC750. ...

Basic Powder Coating Handbook Basic, Powder, Coating, Handbook, instruction, manual, how, to, learn, beginner
Price: $19.99
Availability: In Stock
Item #: BPHB -

This fully illustrated manual provides the novice to expert powder coater with all of the information necessary to begin a powder coating operation at home or commercially. Written by a powder coating shop owner with years of experience, you will be able to learn all the tricks of the trade quickly and easily. This information has been extensively researched and documented for the beginning powder coater. This manual will likely pay for itself on your first job. There are plenty of videos and...

Black Mini Texture black, mini, Texture, micro, rough, grip, tex, textured, diamond, cast, sand, sandtexture, minitexture
Price: $13.28
review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
Availability: In Stock
Columbia Coatings Item #: X1930038 -

Black Mini Texture A very low gloss, black mini texture coating with high hiding characteristics. A popular coating for handle rails, bumper guards, and running boards. Features: Single stage coating (UV stable)Great for both interior and exterior conditionsOil and fuel resistantFine texture finish (mini texture)Low gloss (4-7% gloss)Salt Spray: 1000 hours pass (ASTM B-117)Recommended Bake: 10 Minutes @ 400°F Metal Temperature Get a 44lb box for FREE when you spend at least $5000. All you have...

Clear Coat Swatch Set clear, coat, top, swatch, set
Price: $9.00
Availability: In Stock
Columbia Coatings Item #: CLEARSWATCH -

Clear Coat Swatch Set This swatch set comes with all the colors in the "Clear Coats" sub-section of our Top Coats category.Get this item for FREE when you spend at least $150. All you have to do is add this product to your cart, and enter the code: CLEARSWATCH150. Only one code may be entered at a time. At least one item in your order must ship from Columbia Coatings.

Coating Thickness Gauge coating, thickness, gauge, film, Microprocessor Digital Film Thickness Meter
Price: $144.99
Availability: In Stock
Kool Koat Item #: CTG -

This compact, digital gauge can be used for non-destructive coating thickness measurement of non-magnetic coatings, e.g. paint, enamel, chrome on steel, and insulating coatings, e.g. paint and anodizing coatings on non-ferrous metals. Features: 128*128 dot matrix LCD display, standard menu operationsTwo measure mode: single and continuousTwo group mode: direct (DIR) and general (GEN), readings will be lost when power off in direct mode, and not be lost in general mode. Readings can be stored...

Columbia Coatings Koozie Columbia, Coatings, Koozie, can, hugger
Price: $3.99
Availability: In Stock
Columbia Coatings Item #: CCKOOZIE -

Pick up a Columbia Coatings Koozie and rep your favorite powder supplier! Get this item for FREE when you spend at least $99. All you have to do is add this product to your cart, and enter the code: KOOZIE99. Only one code may be entered at a time. At least one item in your order must ship from Columbia Coatings

Columbia Coatings T-Shirt
Price: $14.00
Availability: In Stock
Columbia Coatings Item #: CC-SHIRT -

Get this item for FREE when you spend at least $250. All you have to do is add this product to your cart, and enter the code: FREESHIRT. Only one code may be entered at a time. At least one item in your order must ship from Columbia Coatings.

Hanging Wire Hanging Wire
Price: $9.99
Availability: Back Order
Columbia Coatings Item #: HANGWIRE -

Hanging Wire 100' spool of 17g wire. Galvanized for best grounding to parts. Get this item for FREE when you spend at least $150. All you have to do is add this product to your cart, and enter the code: HANGWIRE150 Only one code may be entered at a time. At least one item in your order must ship from Columbia Coatings.