Flat Black Epoxy

Flat Black Epoxy

This coating was designed to give your automotive parts the best fuel, oil, brake cleaner, carb cleaner, rock chipping, hammer hitting, tool knicking finish that you can get and still look sleek and smooth with that factory finish.

It is great on interior finishes on things like factory machinery to inside furniture because of the abuse it may take as well.

We do not recommend using this product in connection to direct UV sunlight but it can be used on under-hood vehicle conditions such as on motor accessories like brackets and pulleys to even frames that give you the best protection against rock chipping that are not overexposed to UV Sunlight.


  • High Impact and Chemical Resistant
  • Oil & Fuel Resistant
  • Do not Recommend Putting in direct UV Sunlight
  • Favorite for Industrial Applications
Availability: Back Order
Item #: W3700064
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Price: $18.91
    Points to Purchase:946
    Points Earned:19
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