Products 25-36 of 55
Shamrock Sucker Punch shamrock, suckerpunch, sucker, punch, colorshift, color, shift, color-shift, flop, flip, flipflop, flip-flop, colorchanging, changing, morph, chameleon, violet, blue, teal, green, bronze-gold, bronze, gold, multicolor, color-changing, multi, multi-color
Price: $39.71
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS1698054 -

Shamrock Sucker Punch This is a smooth, high gloss clear coat with a heavy amount of vibrant, color-shifting metallic flakes. These intense color shifting flakes change between blue, teal, light-green, green, and bronze-gold colors. Pictures and videos don't do this color justice, so order a swatch to see this coating in person. Features: UV stableGreat for both interior and exterior conditionsIntense color shift/flip effectHigh glossCures at low temperature (20 minutes at...

Joker Jewel joker, jewel, jewels, colorshift, color, shift, color-shift, flop, flip, flipflop, flip-flop, colorchanging, changing, morph, chameleon, green, pink, purple, multicolor, color-changing, multi, multi-color
Price: $18.23
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS1693053 -

Joker Jewel This is a smooth, high gloss clear coat with a heavy amount of vibrant, color-shifting metallic flakes. These intense color shifting flakes change between green, pink, purple, orange, and light-red colors. Features: UV stableGreat for both interior and exterior conditionsIntense color shift/flip effectHigh glossCures at low temperature (20 minutes at 320°F)Black base coat recommended (is required to achieve look seen in product image) *Product image features Joker Jewel over a...

Davy Jones davy, jones, locker, sea, ocean, colorshift, color, shift, color-shift, flop, flip, flipflop, flip-flop, colorchanging, changing, morph, chameleon, green, teal, blue, purple, multicolor, color-changing, multi, multi-color
Price: $49.61
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS1694052 -

Davy Jones This is a smooth, high gloss clear coat with a heavy amount of vibrant, color-shifting metallic flakes. These intense color shifting flakes change between purple, blue, teal, and green colors. These chameleon flakes change their color with greater intensity compared to other chameleon/color-shift flakes, and because of this, Davy Jones costs a higher price to produce. Features: UV stableGreat for both interior and exterior conditionsIntense color shift/flip effectHigh...

Ace Ventura ace, ventura, colorshift, color, shift, color-shift, flop, flip, flipflop, flip-flop, colorchanging, changing, morph, chameleon, green, yellow, pink, orange, multicolor, color-changing, multi, multi-color
Price: $49.61
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS1693051 -

Ace Ventura This is a smooth, high gloss clear coat with a heavy amount of vibrant, color-shifting metallic flakes. These intense color shifting flakes change between purple, violet, pink, orange, yellow, and green colors. These chameleon flakes change their color with greater intensity compared to other chameleon/color-shift flakes, and because of this, Ace Ventura costs a higher price to produce. Features: UV stableGreat for both interior and exterior...

Galactic Black galactic, black, prismatic, rainbow, chameleon, universe, colorshift, shift, changing, metallic, flakes, prism, holographic
Price: $23.67
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS1790046 -

Galactic Black This is a deep, rich black coating with intense rainbow color shifting metallic flakes. This rainbow effect is most vibrant in the sunlight, but it also pops in low-light environments. UV StableDurable in both interior and exterior conditionsOil and fuel resistantIntense color shift effect

Galactic Clear galactic, clear, prismatic, rainbow, chameleon, clear lights, colorshift, shift, changing, metallic, flakes, prism, holographic
Price: $21.42
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS1799047 -

Galactic Clear This is a high gloss clear coat with a heavy amount of intense, rainbow color shifting metallic flakes. This rainbow effect is most vibrant in the sunlight, but it also pops in low-light environments. Main cap image base coat: Matte Black UV StableDurable in both interior and exterior conditionsOil and fuel resistantIntense color shift effect ...

Dragon Skin dragon, skin, wrinkle, texture, color shift, chameleon, plum, purple, violet, gold, bronze, red, yellow
Price: $23.33
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS5025044 -

DRAGON SKIN This is a dark wrinkle coating with very fine, color-shifting metallic flakes. These vibrant flakes change between plum purple, red, yellow-gold, and golden bronze. Details: UV stableDurable in both interior and exterior conditionsSingle-stage coating

Kraken kraken, wrinkle, texture, color shift, chameleon, green, gold, blue, cyan
Price: $25.47
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS5023045 -

KRAKEN This is a dark wrinkle coating with very fine, color-shifting metallic flakes. These vibrant flakes change between green, gold, cyan, and blue. Details: UV stableDurable in both interior and exterior conditionsSingle-stage coating

Savage Bayou savage, bayou, wrinkle, texture, color shift, chameleon, green, brown, gold, swamp
Price: $20.84
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS5023042 -

SAVAGE BAYOU This is a dark wrinkle coating with very fine, color-shifting metallic flakes. These vibrant flakes change between yellow-brown, gold, green, and blue. Details: UV stableDurable in both interior and exterior conditionsSingle-stage coating

Tanza-Nite tanza-nite, tanzanite, wrinkle, texture, color shift, chameleon, blue, violet, purple, indigo, red
Price: $21.79
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS5024043 -

TANZA-NITE This is a dark wrinkle coating with very fine, color-shifting metallic flakes. These vibrant flakes change between blue, violet, purple, indigo, and red. Details: UV stableDurable in both interior and exterior conditionsSingle-stage coating

Cloud 9 cloud, 9, nine, rainbow, matte, flat, flake, metallic, white
Price: $23.87
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS110041 -

Cloud 9 This is a bright white coating with intense rainbow color shifting metallic flakes and a matte finish. This rainbow effect is most vibrant in the sunlight, but it also pops in low-light environments. Photos do not do this color justice, so be sure to order a swatch to see for yourself! UV StableDurable in both interior and exterior conditionsOil and fuel resistantIntense color shift effect ...

Andromeda Galaxy andromeda, galaxy, space, rainbow, matte, flat, flake, metallic
Price: $25.77
Availability: FORMULATED
Columbia Coatings Item #: CS210040 -

Andromeda Galaxy This is a deep black coating with intense rainbow color shifting metallic flakes and a matte finish. This rainbow effect is most vibrant in the sunlight, but it also pops in low-light environments. UV StableDurable in both interior and exterior conditionsOil and fuel resistantIntense color shift effect