Columbia Chrome - DISCONTINUED



We apologize for any inconvenience. In the meantime, try our NEW Chroma-Chrome, it's one of the brightest, most reflective chrome powders available!

This product requires a clear topcoat.

We recommend Super Durable Wet Clear.

Customers also use this product as a base coat for Translucents, Candies and Shimmers as well because it will give them a higher luster.


  • Requires Clear Topcoat
  • Oil & Fuel Resistant with Clear Topcoat
  • Use as base for Translucents, Candies and Shimmers
Availability: Discontinued notify me

Item #: M1699014
Price: $23.12
    Points to Purchase:1156
    Points Earned:24
    Bonus Points Earned:0

    Customer Reviews

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    5.00 stars, based on 1 reviews 1 review(s). | Write a review
    Overall Customer Rating of 1 Reviews:
    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star

    Closest Chrome without plating.

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    There's a lot of paints and powders that claim to be chrome and of course without actually plating the piece, they all fall short of replicating the real finish. This powder gave me the closest thing to chrome I've seen. It's a little more expensive than regular powders but totally worth it. No issues with the finish that some colors give you. 5 out of 5 from me.

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